The UK Map To Good Health

The UK Map To Good Health

The UK Map To Good Health

Here are the results of a recent PruHealth survey which uncovered surprising regional variations in exercise patterns and awareness of health issues.

London is Britain’s most unfit city, a place of high consumption of alcohol and low levels of exercise. Fitness facilities are low in number so its not surprising that Londoners do just 4.9 hours of exercise a week compared to the national average of 6.3 hours.

Greater London.
Only 34% of those living in Greater London know their blood pressure and only a third of those with high blood pressure are getting treated for it.

South East
14% of the people in the South East are unaware of any history of illness in their family.

South West
With an average of 7.2 hours of exercise a week the people in the South West exercise the most.

88% of people say they get their exercise from walking. But Wales has the lowest number of runners with only 14% running every week compared to the national average of 23%. However Wales also has the fittest city in the UK. Swansea has lots of sporting facilities and people taking regular exercise. Drinking levels are moderate and over half of the cities population have gone for a medical screening in the last year.

East Anglia
Only 16% know their cholesterol levels.

West Midlands
12% of people in the West Midlands do less than an hours exercise a week.

North East
In the North East only 16% know their Body Mass Index compared to the national average of 25%

More people in Scotland lift weights in the gym than anywhere else (33%). However 48% who do, do not know their blood pressure, which can be dangerous as this kind of exercise can raise blood pressure.

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