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Exercising Over 40
If you have always exercised then continuing to do so after the age of 40 should be no big deal. Your body will be accustomed to the strain and stresses of exercise and therefore should be able to cope with familiar workouts with relative ease. However even seasoned exercises that...
Treadmills v Exercise bikes
Exercise Bikes v Treadmills The two most popular pieces of fitness equipment are treadmills and exercise bikes. In deciding between the two, you should compare long-term sustainability, the effectiveness of the workouts, and safety. Think About The Boredom Factor Having a home fitness gym is more convenient than going to the gym. However at home there are...
Tips for keeping your knees fit & healthy
Whatever you do never jump into a rigid exercise regimen without the proper build-up. Not if you want to avoid knee trouble. 400,000 knee replacement procedures are preformed each year in the U.S.A. alone. If at all possible, you will want to avoid this by learning to take better care...
15-Point weight loss incentive plan
If you really want to lose weight but have no idea how to start, fear not. Below is a 15-point incentive plan that will hopefully help you on you way. Our experience fitness team at Fitness Options can you start in the right way. 1. Before you do anything get a...
Can You Exercise Too Much
Doctors and health professionals are always telling us to exercise but is there such as thing as too much. Well yes there is. Exercise releases the drug endorphin. Endorphins can ease pain and make you feel good. It is this drug that is behind the phrase ‘getting a high’ from...
Calories - how many and how long to burn them?
It is very difficult to measure exactly how many calories are burned during exercise as there are many factors to consider. Your body weight, the intensity of the workout, how fit you are and your natural metabolism will all effect the total. However it is possible to give an approximate...
Exercise Does Not Have To Be Torture To Improve Health
There is no getting away from it; the UK is developing into a very unhealthy nation and the unhealthiest country in Europe. It is predicted that if things continue, by 2050 over 60% of the population will be morbidly obese. Children will be dying before their parents and the NHS...
Exercise and the Immune System
Over the years research has conclusively proved that exercise effect’s the immune system. Too much can lower it, making you susceptible to colds, flu and a general feeling of malaise. However regular exercise performed sensibly has the opposite effect, boosting your immune system and protecting you from a range of...
Exercise After 50 – More important to health than ever
This article will not be talking about exercise in your 20’s, 30’s or 40’s because the betting is if you are reading this you are already staring at 50 something. You go through life thinking you are invincible then suddenly, often out of the blue, your body starts to let...
Getting that ’six pack’
There is still no better way to strengthen and tone your stomach muscles than the basic sit up, whether you use one of the latest ab machines or by simply doing it the old fashioned way of someone holding your feet while you crunch. However do not expect instant results...
Is This the Ultimate Weight Training Programme?
The weight-training programme that I am about to reveal is one of the hardest training programmes I have ever encountered and I will be honest, I have never completed the course. It is a yearlong training programme and that in it’s self will be a struggle for most people to...
Is it possible to rush a workout and still benefit?
As is always the case, there are never enough hours in the day and so when it comes to your workout do you skip it or rush it. Skipping it is not a good idea but could you save time by skimping on the rest periods between sets? Or do...
If Fitness Is Maintained Golf is Ideal For Your Golden Years
Older people are taking up golf and it is one of the fastest-growing segments of the golfing population with about one quarter now in their mature years. Many people assume that golf is a leisurely walk around a field, interrupted by hitting a ball a few times and then with...
How muscles grow
The human body is extremely complex and quite difficult for a non-scientist to understand. Yet a basic understanding of how the body functions will help you achieve your goal quicker and easier than training haphazardly. If you are in training, your muscles are probably most important thing to you. The...
Safer exercise for overweight people
The fitness and weight loss industry is huge business with millions of pounds being spent on health club membership, diets and home fitness equipment. Yet the industries marketing is almost exclusively geared towards the already-fit populace. You never see overweight or obese people bouncing in an aerobics class or using...
Rehabilitating On A Treadmill
It’s not easy recovering from an injury; it can be a long and frustrating process. For runners it can be particularly exasperating as runners are very dedicated to their sport. This is where a treadmill can help speed up the process as it uses the same muscle groups but with...
Make the Most of your Sit Ups
The sit-up is one of the most popular exercises performed both at home and in gyms. Every man wants a ripped torso and every women a flat toned stomach, and it seems so easy, you just sit on the floor, put your hands behind your head and crunch. Well, not...
Looking after your treadmill
TREADMILL MAINTENANCE We hope you find this advice helpful, however always refer to your treadmill owner manual for a definitive explanation. If your manual is a little less comprehensive than others then this guide will come in useful. It is based on experience and we hope there are things in...
Turning Procrastination into Motivation
It’s not easy to fit an exercise programme into you daily schedule. Its particularly difficult if you are working out a health club, as you have to fit your schedule into the health clubs schedule. The smallest amount of conflict between you and them and the excuses for skipping a...
The Importance of Muscle Recovery.
Allowing your muscles to recover after a workout is as important as the workout itself. Put very simply, the workout is the phase where your muscles are actually injured. The recovery phase is the phase where the muscles are allowed to heal and as they heal they grow, preparing themselves...